The 2010 installment of the LDS Film Festival begins Wednesday January 20th (at the SCERA Center in Orem) and runs through Saturday January 23rd. One of the most popular activities of the annual festival is the 24-Hour Filmmaking Marathon. From the festival's website:
51 groups signed up on Friday morning, January 15, to participate in the 8th 24-Hour Filmmaking Marathon. All finished films must be turned in 24 hours later on Saturday, January 16 to be eligible for an award.
Prizes totalling more than $1,000 will be awarded to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners of this exciting competition.
All films will be screened during the Festival on Thursday, January 21, beginning at 6:30 p.m.
This year's theme is Charity, the object to use in the film is a rock, and the dialogue line is "I'm the one who..."
Provo Creative (of which the author is a principal) sponsored 5 teams in this year's competition, drawing from members of our Meetup Group of media arts professionals. Each 5 person team had the task of writing, producing and editing a short film of up to 3 minutes in length and delivering the finished product within 24 hours from the 10am-ish start time Friday morning. It's become quite the tradition to see teams running full speed with disks in hand trying to beat the Saturday morning deadline!
I wasn't on a team, opting to hold down the fort at Provo Creative should any of the teams desire to use our studio or equipment during the competition. All 5 Provo Creative teams finished their films and turned them in, and I, along with hundreds of others, am looking forward to the screenings and awards this coming Thursday night.
The LDS Film Festival has a full complement of movies, including several premieres, and has grown in popularity and attendance over the past 9 years with some 7000+ enjoying last year's event.